Looking down through an interior skylight.
A dramatic atrium light fixture.
John Portman's 2003 oil painting "Omega".
A skywalk leading to the SunTrust Garden Offices.
Looking up at a sculpture hanging from the ceiling.
The walkway around John Portman's SunTrust Plaza Tower.
The groundbreaking atrium in the Hyatt Regency Atlanta Hotel.
The base of the atrium sculpture.
Jennifer in the Polaris.
The sculpture in the elevator lobby.
Walkways surrounding the atrium.
Looking up the atrium along the elevator raceways.
A crazy skywalk that's unfortunately been closed for years.
Looking across the street from the top of the Mart.
A fountain in the Mart.
Light patterns from the skylights.
Skylights in the Mart.
Decorative capitals.
Back (Photos, 2013)
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